TWG Staff Activity | TWG launched three newly TWG Healthier & Happier Wellness Programs for “EAT WELL”, “SEE WELL”, and “EXERCISE WELL”.

Happy Friday‼️ “SEE WELL” module is our 2nd wellness program for allowing our employees to achieve a balanced and healthy life.

1️. Register Optometrist to share the Common Eye Diseases, Symptoms and consideration
2. Fashion Consultant to share tips on “How to pick the right frame for yourself?” “Why aviator always fit most people?” “Is expensive glasses always good?”,
3. Matching challenge to win cool shades, and
4. On-site Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Test (糖尿視網膜病變檢查) by Register Optometrist

TWG Healthier & Happier Wellness Programs are programs undertaken by Tsit Wing Group and Bowtie in order to gamify and motivate our employees to participate in proactive health & wellbeing management, re-create human touch under ‘new normal’ via team engagement and goal setting, and track, measure and improve our employee health and push the boundaries on what is economically viable, and also to help our employees overcome particular health-related problems.